Monday, January 30, 2012

Separation Anxiety

Ok, so let me clarify... I said in my description of Carter that he doesn't cry much. And based on the amount of fussing I dealt with yesterday, I'm thinking I may have jinxed myself- that or as his grandma would say, he must be teething or sick ;)

He's a really happy guy overall when he's with me or Taylor, and 90% of the time he's happy to meet and be held by any stranger...but that other 10% of the time, his fiery side comes out and he is absolutely inconsolable.

Our doctor said he had early separation anxiety at around 3-4 months... Of all the things to start early!
He is totally happy with Taylor when I'm not around, but he has had some pretty intense crying fits with both our parents, leading to calls that cut our date nights short, so I am pretty shaky leaving him still (although mostly out of concern for the babysitter's sanity!). Our last couple date nights away from him have started out a little rocky, and once with tears (from me!). But it gets easier each time...he loves my parents, and we have found a super patient babysitter who he loves, and she keeps coming back, so I am trying to convince myself that he must be getting better...

However, this past Sunday we decided to try leaving him in the church nursery ... Big step for me since I hadn't done a background or reference check on the sweet older women volunteering there :)

About half way through the service, I saw one of the women scanning the pews and I instantly knew she was there for me. Sure enough, when we made eye contact, she gave me a little wave... And as I walked out of the sanctuary, smiling and already apologizing to this nice lady, I could hear the screaming...and was soon met with a shaking, choking, red faced little man. On the bright side, it was cool that the minute they handed him to me, he stopped crying, but at the same time, I don't want him to be overly attached... I don't know- hopefully with time and lots more time spent around strangers, it will resolve itself (?)! But I just had to clarify that statement about him not crying much- it was an unintentional misrepresentation ... He's an angel with me and Taylor- but babysitters beware- when this little guy gets mad, he is as stubborn as they come and does not wear himself out without a fight!

Hoping for better luck next Sunday... If they let him back in the nursery!

1 comment:

Emily Berry said...

Awww...that handsome guy upset? I don't believe a word of it:) And we have totally been fetched by a sweet girl from the church nursery. Maybe even more than once:)