Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Birthday!

So I am officially in my LATE twenties, as of Tuesday!

My eyes are closed here, but I had to include this picture from my neighbor's party for me! Kathy (in the middle) made me her homemade lasagna and a white cake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles (my favorite!!)! And among many other gifts from everyone, Pam (on the right) made me my own workout bag so I have a place to put all my workout gear (I have lost my Y card twice already and walk through the door dropping things everywhere usually, so this will come in handy! :))
Me with my running buddy, Brooke-- and my own "Birthday" wine glass from her! :)
He's blinking here too-- but how handsome is this guy! He came to pick me up for dinner on Tuesday night in a suit and rang the front doorbell (which of course sent the dogs into a tailspin, but they adjusted)- it felt like we were actually going on a date! :)
He took me to a surprise restaurant -- it was an awesome steak house called Hyde Park...
OK-- any one who knows Taylor knows he is one of the most manners-conscious people you will ever meet (no elbows on the table, uses the right flatware-in the right order, etc, etc). And I snapped this shot w/ my phone of him PICKING UP the rest of his bone-in filet mignon at the fanciest restaurant in Daytona! Very cute :) I have never seen him react to a piece of steak like this-- he was truly in love.

Opening presents!! :)Taylor (and the dogs) got me a pedicure at a gorgeous spa in New Smyrna Beach on Wednesday morning... here are my new pink toes in my new pink flip flops from Suzanne and Les! Life at the beach isn't so bad ;)

Walking through New Smyrna Beach after my pedicure...My birthday was perfect :) Now off to Nashville for my sister's baby shower!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!